Inside The Hotel

In The Skiing Lift
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After eating, they went back inside the car and continued their trip towards the hotel. Well, luckily, they are almost there to their final destination and there are absolutely no traffic in the highway so they went to the hotel early enough.

The hotel that Seulgi chose is magnificent, the exterior looks simple but luxurious while the interior has the same style, it's floor looking shiny and smooth and walls in a pastel yellow color with paintings of flowers and other unique paintings. "Daebak, the hotel you chose is amazing, Seul!" squealed Hayoung as she took out her phone and quickly took a picture of the hotel. All of them looked at it in awe and amusement, their eyes sparkling.

But meanwhile, the bear didn't even did the same as them like she lives in this hotel. She walked passed them and went straight to the reception. "Hello," Seulgi politely greeted the doorkeeper while giving him a slight bow.

"Welcome to our hotel, guest!" chirped the doorkeeper. "Did you already check in online, miss?" The door keeper asked, looking at the computer while clicking he mouse multiple times. Seulgi gave her a brisk nod when the doorkeeper pursed his lips and gave her a welcoming smile.

"So you will be staying here for three days?"

Seulgi took her phone from her back pocket of her jeans and checked the calendar.


With that, the doorkeeper nodded and focused on his computer, clinking and dragging his mouse. The other people watched Seulgi and doorkeeper silently. "Alright, miss. Here is your key to your room."

The doorkeeper looks around his area and found the key under his desk. "You'll be in Room 115."

Seulgi took the key from him and gave him a bow. "Thank you so much." thanked Seulgi while looking back at her friends. "Let's go," said Seulgi while walking towards the elevator right beside the reception.

They all followed Seulgi like little ducklings and tried to fit in the small elevator. "Someone in here must have a diet." DK teased Hoshi while the elevator started moving. "Gosh, the hotel may look cool but their elevator is spacious than my brain." deadpanned Chanyeol sarcastically. Seulgi then looked up at the tall man, looking taken aback.

"Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know that the elevator is small." said Seulgi.

Chanyeol ignored her and crossed his arms. "Well, you'll see inside the hotel room. It'll look more cool." Seulgi tried to beat Chanyeol's height by tip-toing but failed.

"Aish..." Seulgi clicked her tongue and frowned just like Chanyeol. Wendy and Irene glanced at them and unconsciously looked at each other. Irene smiled at Wendy and giggled while the hamster blushed and quickly turned her head away from her.

"So cute," Irene whispered inaudibly. But Wendy heard it clearly. Then her eyes suddenly go wide after her ears absorbed it clearly.

"I'm cute?!" Wendy silently whispered and looked at Irene, who is looking at the ceiling of the elevator, busy waiting for the elevator to stop. "Oh gosh," Wendy's face already looks like a tomato and tries to hide it from Irene, and especially her friends.

As the elevator stops, its door opened slowly, showing a fully-carpeted hallway with some modern paintings in it's pastel yellow-painted walls. The carpet looks thin and it's colored blood red.

The group went out of the elevator while looking at the hallway in amazement. "Woah, these paintings look aesthetic!" Irene ran to one of the paintings with an excited grin. Then Wendy went near to her to take a better look of it.

The painting that Irene is interested in is made by only watercolor . Hoshi ran to them like a kid and agreed with Irene. "Yeah! You're right, Irene!" smiled Hoshi as Irene giggled and pats his head. "Hey, guys! I found the room!" Seulgi ran towards the door and inserts the key in the keyhole, looking thrilled on showing her friends the inside of the hotel room.

 Then as Seulgi opened the hotel room, the others peeked inside and roamed their eyes around the living room. All of them entered the room and stared at the living room avidly. The room is all painted white and is full of modern paintings.

The beige couch, placed in the middle of the living room, looks puffy but neat and a similarly beige carpet is placed neatly under it.

"Well, you're right, Seul. It is pretty," Chanyeol whispered onto Seulgi's ear. "The whole couch is mine!" bellowed Hoshi before running towards the couch with a giggle. He lied down on the couch and noticed Chanyeol walking towards him.

"Ya, this is mine." said Hoshi, pointing the couch with a small pout.

Chanyeol ignored him, puts down Hoshi's legs and simply sat beside him. "Ya," whined Hoshi.

"Wait! Guys!" yelled Hayoung, which made all of them turn their heads towards her. "We should do Rock-Paper-Scissors to have each room." Hayoung told them briskly. All of them stopped in their tracks and turned their heads at Hayoung. "And I actually told Hayoung that there are only three bedrooms in this place." Seulgi firmly added.

So they all went to the TV area and sat on the couch. The others preferred to sit on the ground after realizing that there is no enough spaces in the couch. After, they all put their clenched fists in the middle, looking at each other intently.

"Alright, Rock-Paper-Scissors!"

Hayoung and Chanyeol got Scissors, Wendy and Hoshi got Rock, while Irene, Seulgi, and DK got Paper. As they checked the results, Wendy scowled at her fellow hamster while Hoshi grinned in response. "Ah, always Hoshi." The hamster rolled her eyes while the second hamster just giggled.

Wendy is concurrently having these stupid emotion. First, she's cross because she became roommates with Hoshi. Second, she's upset, because she didn't become roommates with Irene. Wendy literally practiced and studied on how to be comfortable with her crush but all her time just comes into waste.

Minus two from Wendy's self-esteem.

"YEY!!!" Seulgi and Irene squealed, standing up from their places with a thrilled look. Then they looked at each other, linked hands and jumped up and down in excitement. DK, the third wheeler, joins them and did the exact thing. Not forgetting to squeal shrilly like the other girls.

Wendy saw those hands. Those linked hands. She just felt her heart slowly breaking into a million pieces the more she stared at it.

'I wish I could be like Seulgi...' Wendy sighed deeply inside. She just couldn't remove the thought in her mind.

Sadly, Wendy has a habit to compare herself to other people when upset, which is actually decreasing her self-esteem. Another two decreased on her self-confidence. "Alright! So the ones who got Paper, goes to that room in the left." said Hayoung, pointing the room located on the left side of the short hallway near the living room.

"While the ones who got Rock will take that room in the room beside— WHO GOT PAPER?" Hayoung asked in a loud voice while Irene, Seulgi, and DK quickly raised their hands while walking towards their bedroom, chattering in exhilaration.

"So the ones who got Rock will be beside the Irene, Seulgi and Seokmin(DK)'s room." Hayoung the grinned at Wendy and Hoshi. After a minute of assigning, Hayoung and Chanyeol stood up from the couch and walked to their bedroom, leaving Wendy and Hoshi in the living room.

Wendy apparently looks grumpy and sulky with her arms crossed and her brows furrowed while Hoshi is watching TV, laughing and cackling noisily.

"Isn't that funny?" gurgled Hoshi with one hand on top of his stomach and the other pointing at the TV weakly before cackling once again. Wendy sighed sadly and turned her head at Hoshi with a frown. She was about to yell angrily at Hoshi but she felt drained and empty.

It felt like that she ran a mile run. Wendy stood up from her couch and was about to left Hoshi in the living room when she heard no sound from the TV. She stopped on walking and looked behind her to see nothing.

Wendy quirked her brow and was about to find where Hoshi is when she turned her head right and saw her fellow hamster beaming at her, which made her heart jump in surprise.

But she showed no signs that she is surprise at all.

"So aren't we going inside the room?" Hoshi asked while Wendy clicked her tongue, looking irritated. "One rule, Hoshi. No hugging," Wendy told him when Hoshi hugged her with a cheeky smile.

Wendy pushed him a little and released a small and soft growl. "Ya! I said no hugging!" argued Wendy, stomping her way to the bedroom. Hoshi pouted sadly and followed her with his head looking at the ground.


After resting their bodies and putting their stuff inside their bedrooms, they all went to the living room to search the location of the skiing resort. The others seems to be bust chatting about random topics, not even helping Hayoung and Chany

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Chapter 8: 💙💙💙
Chapter 8: It's cute
orangebearies #3
i'm just reading the description in your foreword, not sure if its a typo, but ₩700 is less than a dollar USD. i find it hard to believe that should be the basis for the friends to "reward" that amount for the bravery. from a reader's point of view, there should be a somewhat acceptable degree of believability, even if the story is fiction. :)
Chapter 8: They are cute.... ^^
Soshivelvett #5
Chapter 8: Awww this is so cute :”)) can’t believe it ended
1693 streak #6
Chapter 8: Aww it's ending already? *sad noises*
aglaonema #7
Chapter 8: Lol
nicella #8
Chapter 8: Awww this is such a cute storyyy yay for the happy ending!
aglaonema #9
Chapter 7: Yass
1693 streak #10
Chapter 7: Yay they are officials